About RedNext Easy Go Plans

  • Product Catagory Divided into 5 main sections
  • Pending orders : Pending Orders are displayed in the Pending section.
  • Complete Orders : Complete Orders are displayed in the complete section.
  • Product & Services Catogry : for adding product , editing and sharing using QR Code.
  • My Catalog : Describe the detail information of the product Created | Edited | sharing using QR Code.
  • My Profile : Display all details about the user and can be share using QR Code.
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E-Catalog Contains Create Product catagory organize products | display items | delete items | Share using QR Code

E-Visiting Card

Share QR Code on any social platform to display Visiting Card Details for user-details

bussiness card
E-Company Profile

E-Company profile display detail information about the company and user can share using QR Code

Pending Orders

Pending Order shows details information of Customer Name , Order No. Order Date and Mobile No. , Amount and Payment Status and Action button to approved ,shipped, delieved and add-payment

pending orders
Pending Orders

Pending Orders display Order No, Order date , Customer Name , Mobile No and amount it display the payment status which customer can do with the Action button provided at right

Product & Services

Product Á Service provide feature to add new item which includes product name, amount, GST and can view image in same section.

Complete Orders

Complete Orders display the customer name, product ,quantity and the comfirmed payment status are shown. customer can view record summary of completed orders too.

My Catalog

My Catalog used to create Catalog name, delivery terms,template Id and payment terms. Customer can view Product details on same page and can share using QR Code


My Catalog

My Catalog Overviews the Create Section which help Customer to add Catalog including catalog Name, catalog template,delivery term and payment terms

Quick Settings

Customer can view update and delete the catalog added on the create Page.

Additional features

Customer can share the catalog details with the help of QR code or other social platform.


slideUser Profile

User Profile describes all information which includes Name, Email Addresss and Mobile No and profile pic. User can share profile with others using QR Code which can be scanned on any android smartphone or can be shared using link on social platforms inc. whatsapp , facebook, Linkedin.

Profile Sharing

People can check user profile simply by link shared by you and can view on browser or social app.


slide Company Profile

Company profile shows the detail description of Company that describes company persona and can be shared using QR code which can be scanned on any android smartphone or can be shared using link on any social media platform which includes whatspp, facebook and linkin

Profile Sharing

Company profile can be Shared and view by user or multiple user depending upon user's sharing.


Download the Easy Go Now!

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